Monday, November 16, 2009

Go to Class!

Students Should Go to Class
We have all been there; its 7:00 am and the alarm is sounding in an attempt to wake you for that 8:00 am class on
the other side of campus. You stop to contemplate; should I get up and go to class or catch up on an hour of sleep? For some
reason or another, you decide to disable the alarm and sleep for an extra hour, reassuring yourself it won’t matter in the long
run. Is the extra sleep really worth the consequences of missing class? Before answering think of the all the information
presented in class that a student wasn’t there to write down not to mention the easy attendance points they could have
received. Skipping class is one of easiest ways for students to not only flat line semester after semester; but if students went to
class, we would see outstanding academic merit, more students being prepared for class and not cramming, and our tuition
money would be used to better our chances of success.
Most students have come to justify missing classes with little or no guilt, and without a valid reason or excuse. Under the
false assumption that missing only one class won’t hurt them, students have become more likely to skip class. Some students
would say that skipping class is no big deal it’s only one, and it is that false idea that hurts so many students in college. Some
students have seen how others never go to class yet still come out with decent grades, so they follow suit only to realize it was
a bad decision. College is known for its wild nights which don’t typically lead to making it to that 9 am class. Not to mention
those students who live off campus who required to get up at least 15 to 20 minutes earlier compared to those who can wait
to the last minute to wake up. No matter what the excuses are to miss class, students should really look into how the points
for attendance break down in your class.
For those students who make it to their classes on a regular basis, they know very well the numerous advantages of
attending class. For one, many classes offer bonus points for attendance by simply signing the roll sheet, which often helps a
student who may have bombed a test or assignment. In most other classes attendance is required and is counted in their final
grade. Attendance points can range from 10% of a final grade all the way to 30%. So for example a class is scaled on 80% from
4 tests throughout the semester, and 20% from attendance. If a student receives an 85% average on their tests but only went to
class 50% of the time their final grade would be a 78%. Now compare that to a student who also received an 85% average on
their tests and when to class 80% of time, their final grade would be an 84%, compared to a 78%. Whether attendance is bonus
or required students who attend will not only help themselves by helping their grade but will also help them retain the
Another benefit of students regularly attending class is students will be there for the lecture, and students will also be
able to ask questions if they are confused. In higher level classes it is the kiss of death for a student who does not attend class
because many professors do not go directly from the book; they also take many topics discussed in lecture and put them on
the exam. Not to mention in some of the smaller class’s professors know students by name; which can help when students
need a little extra help. By attending class students will also be able to retain the material and not have to cram the night
before, which will in turn boost their academic performance.
From the financial standpoint, missing one to two classes can become pricy.
UA’s fall 2009 tuition stands at $3900 per semester for in state and $9600 for out of state. For example, say a class meets 3
times a week throughout the semester, two students both miss five classes, but one is in state and one is out of state. Each
class cost $91 in state, and $223 for out of state. In the long run the in state student lost $455, and the out of state student
lost $1,115. Regardless of which tuition you look at, one can clearly see missing only a couple of class can be a waste of time
and money. Students are in college to get an education; they might as well do what they are supposed to, by going to class and
doing the work.
Overall those students who regularly attend class will come to realize not only will their grades improve, but they will learn
the material instead of memorizing it the night before the test. By going to class students will feel more comfortable about the
material and they will be equipped to have greater success not only in the classroom but in life as well. So the next time you
hear the alarm going off don’t even think about going back to sleep, suck it up and go to class.

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